Student & School Support Team
Davis School District Student & School Support Teams
The K-12 Mild Moderate School and Student Support Teams provide consultation to school teams who are in need of assistance to determine what additional interventions (academic, behavioral/social, autism, assistive technology, adaptive) or supports are needed for students to access the least restrictive environment (LRE). The team provides consultation and training to school teams upon request.
Critical Needs Survey 2023 - This survey is for teachers and school team members to request support for student, curriculum, training and/or staffing needs. Prior to or after completion of this form, please consult with your school facilitator to ensure your needs are effectively being met.
Prior to a support team professional completing an observation or discussing student specifics,
Parent Permission (Spanish version) must be obtained and a
If you have need to submit a referral, please contact your school facilitator.

Brain Injury Support Team
Even mild brain injuries can result in changes to a child's school performance, memory, behavior, attention, communication skills, physical abilities, etc. Brain injuries may be caused by falls, accidents, sports injuries, stroke, tumors, brain surgery, child abuse, etc. The district BRAIN INJURY TEAM exists to support students who are dealing with mild to severe brain injuries, and school staff who work with students who have suffered any level of brain injury. Services are usually provided by the Team on a consultation basis. Parents, teachers, administrators, related servers and others are encouraged to complete a district support team referral form and to also e-mail Brain Injury Team members with additional specific concerns.
Contacts: Alice Richins (Email Alice Richins) or Lisa Wall (Email Lisa Wall) 801-402-5169
If need to submit a referral, please contact your school facilitator.
Brain Injury Support Team
Our mission is to support educators in helping students with a brain injury succeed in school.